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What is triple equals in JavaScript?

In this article, we'll explore the triple equals operator (===) in JavaScript, its purpose, and how it compares to the double equals operator (==).
6 min readLogan FordLogan Ford

What is Triple Equals in JavaScript?

The triple equals operator (===) in JavaScript is a strict equality comparison operator that checks both value and type equality. Unlike its more lenient cousin, the double equals operator (==), triple equals doesn't perform type coercion before making the comparison. This makes it more predictable and generally safer to use in your code.

Understanding Double Equals vs Triple Equals:

1// Double equals (==) with type coercion
2console.log(5 == "5"); // true
3console.log(1 == true); // true
5// Triple equals (===) without type coercion
6console.log(5 === "5"); // false
7console.log(1 === true); // false

In this example, we can see how double equals (==) performs type coercion, converting the string "5" to a number before comparison. Triple equals (===), however, checks both value and type, resulting in false when comparing different types.

The callback function takes the current element as its parameter (num in this case) and returns true if the number is even (num % 2 === 0). Filter creates a new array containing only the elements for which the callback returned true.

💡 Pro tip: Always use triple equals (===) by default unless you have a specific reason to use double equals (==). This helps prevent unexpected behavior in your code.

Type Coercion:

1// Examples of JavaScript type coercion
2console.log(0 == false); // true (coerced)
3console.log(0 === false); // false (strict)
4console.log("" == false); // true (coerced)
5console.log("" === false); // false (strict)
6console.log([1,2] == "1,2"); // true (coerced)
7console.log([1,2] === "1,2"); // false (strict)

Let's break down what happens during type coercion:

  1. When using double equals (==):

    • JavaScript tries to convert operands to the same type
    • This can lead to unexpected results
    • The rules for coercion are complex and hard to remember
  2. When using triple equals (===):

    • No type conversion occurs
    • Both value and type must match exactly
    • Results are more predictable and easier to reason about

For example:

1// Type coercion examples
2null == undefined // true
3null === undefined // false
51 == true // true
61 === true // false
80 == "" // true
90 === "" // false

When to Use Triple Equals:

Triple equals should be your default choice for comparisons in JavaScript because:

  • It's more predictable
  • It catches type-related bugs early
  • It makes code intentions clearer
  • It's generally faster (no type coercion needed)

Let's explore some real-world examples where triple equals is crucial.

Example 1 - Basic Comparisons

Let's look at a real-world scenario where type comparison really matters. Imagine you're building a website that checks if a user meets an age requirement. The user's age might come from one source as a number, while the age limit might come from another source (like an API) as a string.

1// Basic value comparisons
2const userAge = 25;
3const ageLimit = "25";
5// Double equals - potentially dangerous
6if (userAge == ageLimit) {
7 console.log("Equal with =="); // This will execute
10// Triple equals - safer
11if (userAge === ageLimit) {
12 console.log("Equal with ==="); // This won't execute
15// Best practice: Convert types explicitly if needed
16if (userAge === parseInt(ageLimit)) {
17 console.log("Equal after conversion"); // This will execute

Example 2 - Comparing Different Types

Here's where things get interesting! Let's explore how JavaScript handles comparisons between different types like numbers, booleans, and empty strings. This is super important because these situations come up all the time when dealing with form inputs or API responses.

1// Comparing different data types
2const value = 0;
3const falsy = false;
4const empty = "";
6console.log(value == falsy); // true
7console.log(value === falsy); // false
8console.log(empty == falsy); // true
9console.log(empty === falsy); // false
11// Real-world example
12function checkValue(input) {
13 // Better than input == false
14 return input === false;

Example 3 - Common Gotchas

Now, let's tackle some tricky situations that often trip up even experienced developers. We'll see how JavaScript handles comparisons between numbers, strings, arrays, and objects - and why using === can save you from some real head-scratchers!

1// Common comparison pitfalls
2const number = 0;
3const string = "0";
4const array = [0];
5const object = new Number(0);
7console.log(number == string); // true
8console.log(number === string); // false
10console.log(number == array); // true
11console.log(number === array); // false
13console.log(number == object); // true
14console.log(number === object); // false

Example 4 - Null and Undefined

Here's a classic JavaScript puzzle: dealing with null and undefined. These two values can cause some serious bugs if you're not careful. Let's see how triple equals helps us handle them properly and write more reliable code.

1// Handling null and undefined
2let nullValue = null;
3let undefinedValue;
5console.log(nullValue == undefined); // true
6console.log(nullValue === undefined); // false
8// Best practice for checking null/undefined
9function isNullOrUndefined(value) {
10 return value === null || value === undefined;

Example 5 - Objects and Arrays

Last but definitely not least, let's dive into comparing objects and arrays. This is where a lot of developers get caught off guard! You might think two objects with the same content are equal, but JavaScript has other ideas. Here's what you need to know:

1// Object and array comparisons
2const obj1 = { value: 1 };
3const obj2 = { value: 1 };
4const obj3 = obj1;
6console.log(obj1 === obj2); // false (different references)
7console.log(obj1 === obj3); // true (same reference)
9// Arrays
10const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
11const arr2 = [1, 2, 3];
12console.log(arr1 === arr2); // false (different references)
14// Comparing array contents
15console.log(JSON.stringify(arr1) === JSON.stringify(arr2)); // true

Practice Questions

Below are some practice coding challenges to help you master the triple equals operator in JavaScript.

JavaScript Type Coercion: What Happens When Adding String '5' and Number 3
FunctionsType coercionString manipulation
JavaScript Comparison: Understanding the Difference Between == and === Operators
JavascriptType coercion
JavaScript Type Coercion Risk in Payment Processing: Loose Equality vs Strict Comparison
JavascriptType coercionOperators+2

Additional Resources

Common Interview Questions

  1. What's the difference between == and ===?
  2. When might you want to use == instead of ===?
  3. How does type coercion work in JavaScript?

Remember: When in doubt, use triple equals (===) for safer, more predictable code!

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