Understanding Equality Operators (== vs ===)
In JavaScript, there are two main equality operators:
- == (loose equality) Compares values for equality after performing type coercion if necessary.
- === (strict equality) Compares values and their types without type coercion.
Your task is to write a function that takes two inputs and returns true if they are strictly equal (using ===) and false otherwise.
This exercise will help you understand when to use strict equality to avoid unexpected behavior caused by type coercion.
Example differences:
- 5 == "5" returns true because == converts the string to a number before comparison. = 5 === "5" returns false because they are different types (number vs string).
Example usage:
console.log(strictEqualityCheck(5, "5"));// Expected output: falseconsole.log(strictEqualityCheck(10, 10));// Expected output: trueconsole.log(strictEqualityCheck(0, false));// Expected output: falseconsole.log(strictEqualityCheck(null, undefined));// Expected output: false
Did you know?
JavaScript was originally called "LiveScript" before being renamed to JavaScript.
Test Cases
Expected Output: