
Remove Duplicate Characters from a String


In this challenge, you are required to write a function that takes a string as input and removes all duplicate characters, keeping only the first occurrence of each character.

This task is commonly used in data cleaning and processing scenarios where unique character sequences are required.

To successfully complete the task, your function should handle the following considerations:

Case Sensitivity

  • The function should treat uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct characters (e.g., "A" and "a" are different).

Order Preservation

  • The function should maintain the original order of characters while removing duplicates.

Example Usage

removeDuplicates("hello world"); // ➞ "helo wrd"
removeDuplicates("aAaBbBcCc"); // ➞ "aAbBcC"
removeDuplicates("abcabcabc"); // ➞ "abc"


  • The input will always be a valid string.
  • The function should return a new string with duplicates removed.
  • Empty strings should return an empty string.

window code 2Test Cases



Expected Output:


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