You're building a React data visualization component that needs to efficiently update when its data changes. Why might this implementation cause performance issues?
1function DataChart({ data, width, height }) {2 const chartRef = useRef(null);3 const [processedData, setProcessedData] = useState([]);45 const processData = useCallback((rawData) => {6 return rawData.map(item => ({7 x: new Date(item.timestamp).getTime(),8 y: calculateMetric(item.values),9 label: generateLabel(item)10 }));11 }, []);1213 const calculateMetric = (values) => {14 return values.reduce((sum, val) => sum + val, 0) / values.length;15 };1617 const generateLabel = (item) => {18 return `${item.category} - ${item.subcategory}`;19 };2021 useEffect(() => {22 const newData = processData(data);23 setProcessedData(newData);2425 if (chartRef.current) {26 renderChart(chartRef.current, newData, width, height);27 }28 }, [data, processData, width, height]);2930 return <div ref={chartRef} className="chart-container" />;31}