
Working with Object Properties in JavaScript


Working with Object Properties in JavaScript Objects in JavaScript are used to store key-value pairs, where each key (also called a property) maps to a specific value.

In this challenge, you will work with object properties to retrieve and manipulate data.

Your task is to complete the function getPropertyValue, which takes an object and a property name as parameters and returns the value of the specified property.

If the property does not exist in the object, the function should return undefined.

Example Object Structure:

const person = {
name: "Alice",
age: 25,
occupation: "Software Engineer"

Your Task:

Complete the function getPropertyValue, which takes an object and a property name as parameters and returns the value of the specified property.

Example Usage:

console.log(getPropertyValue({ name: "John", age: 30 }, "name")); // Expected output: "John"
console.log(getPropertyValue({ name: "Emma", age: 22 }, "occupation")); // Expected output: undefined


  • The first parameter will always be an object.
  • The second parameter will always be a string representing the property name.
  • If the property does not exist in the object, return undefined.
  • You can access object properties using dot notation (obj.property) or bracket notation (obj["property"]).
  • Bracket notation is useful when the property name is dynamic or stored in a variable.
  • If the property does not exist, return "undefined"

window code 2Test Cases


  "age": 30,
  "name": "John"

Expected Output:
