Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript
In JavaScript, creating a copy of an object can be tricky because simply assigning an object to a new variable or using shallow cloning methods like Object.assign() or the spread operator (...) only creates a shallow copy.
This means that nested objects within the original object are still referenced, not copied.
In this challenge, you will create a function that performs a deep clone of an object.
A deep clone ensures that all nested objects and arrays are also copied, so changes to the cloned object do not affect the original object.
Example Object Structure:
const original = {name: "Alice",details: {age: 25,address: {city: "New York",zipCode: "10001"}}};
Your task is to complete the function deepClone, which should take an object as a parameter and return a deep clone of that object.
Example Usage:
const original = {name: "Alice",details: {age: 25,address: {city: "New York",zipCode: "10001"}}};const cloned = deepClone(original);console.log(cloned); // Expected output: A deep clone of the `original` objectcloned.details.age = 30; console.log(original.details.age); // Should still be 25
- The input will always be a valid object.
- The function should return a deep clone of the input object, including all nested objects and arrays.
- The cloned object should be completely independent of the original object.
Did you know?
The first-ever website was created by Tim Berners-Lee for the internet.
Test Cases
{ "name": "Alice", "details": { "age": 25, "address": { "city": "New York", "zipCode": "10001" } } }
Expected Output:
{ "name": "Alice", "details": { "age": 25, "address": { "city": "New York", "zipCode": "10001" } } }