
Using if statements to determine age groups


In this challenge, you need to write a function that takes a person's age as input and returns the corresponding age group category based on the following rules:

  • If the age is 0 to 12, return "Child".
  • If the age is 13 to 19, return "Teenager".
  • If the age is 20 to 64, return "Adult".
  • If the age is 65 or above, return "Senior".

This challenge will help you understand how to use 'if' statements to implement logic based on conditions.

Example Usage

determineAgeGroup(16); // ➞ "Teenager"
determineAgeGroup(45); // ➞ "Adult"
determineAgeGroup(70); // ➞ "Senior"


  • The input will always be a non-negative integer.
  • The function should return a string corresponding to the age group.
  • Edge cases such as exactly 12, 13, 19, 20, 64, and 65 should be handled correctly.

window code 2Test Cases



Expected Output:
